Monday, September 16, 2013

New Companions, Weddings, and Dirt in My Bed!

Well, things are a lot different now for me than from last week.  My old companion left to Potosi, and my new comanion arrived at the airport the same day.  His name is Elder Cortez, and it turns out he is actually from La Paz, another city in Bolivia. He is waiting for a visa to go to his mission in Venezuela, but they put a halt on all visas from Bolivia, so he and about 40 other missionaries will probably be staying here for their missions.  Anyways, he is a very hard worker, but is very shy.  He doesn't hardly speak, which is a huge change from my last companion who never stopped talking.  This means I have to do nearly all the talking. In lessons, in contacting, in just everyday activities.  It is helping my spanish and my teaching skills a ton, but we are working on getting him to open up a little more.

The missionaries in Vinto got to go to the temple on Saturday, for a wedding actually.  ONe of the Elders, Elder Supayabe had an aunt that was getting married, so President gave us permssion to attend the wedding.  Unfortunately the sealing room was too small, and one of the elders forgot his reccomend, so we couldn't enter in for the ceremony, but it was still a good experience to go to a wedding at the temple here.

As for missionary work this week, I about killed over dead.  I'm the only one who knows our area, and I'm also senior comapnion now, so I have to make the plans. Not only that, I teach just about all of the lessons.  So I am not only physically tired at the end of each day, but mentally too.  Last night, we got in at about 9 oclock at night, and I was so tired, I went to sit on my bed to rest.  The next thing I knew it was 6 am, I was still in my dirty proselying clothes and shoes, and my bed was covered in dirt because of my muddy shoes. I am hoping my body gets used to working even harder here. We have been having lots of success though.  In only 2 lessons , we invited 3 of our investigators to baptism, and they accepted.  So we should be baptizing even more during our time together, since we both can handle working harder.

Elder Potts III
Bolivia Cochabamba Mission

Up in Motecato for lunch yesterday with the other Elders.

My new companion and I in the elevator

After the temple we went to a Peruvian restaurant.  This is Arroz Chaufa, a super good rice plate.

My companion and I at the Cochabamba, Bolivia temple.

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